“A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains...”
Yesterday, I was reading some stories from the book “Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul”. While reading it, there was an excerpt that I found very true with how we behave these days, and could relate it so well to myself. Thus, writing it here for everyone to give a thought.
An old man was sitting with his forty-five year old son. A crow was perched at their window. The father asked his son “What is that son?” The son replied, “It’s a crow, father.”
After a few minutes the father asked again, “What is that son?” This time, with just a little hint of irritation in his voice, the son retorted, “I told you just now father, it’s a crow.”
A few minutes later the old man asked again, “What is that son?” This time the anger was evident in his son’s tone as he said, “It’s a crow, a crow!”
For the fourth time his father asked, “What is that son?” The son screamed back, “Why do you keep asking me the same question over and over again? Do you think I have no other work? I just want to read my paper and have my cup of tea in peace!”
The old man got up very quietly and returned with an old tattered notebook in his hand. The notebook was his diary. He opened the page to the day his son had turned three. He requested his son to read the page aloud; he would go to his room and leave his son alone with the tea and newspaper after that, he said.
Impatiently his son began:
Today my little son turned three. We were sitting together on the sofa chatting, when a crow came and sat at our window. He asked me what it was and I told him that it was a crow. With his three-year old mind, he had difficulty retaining the name of the bird and he asked me about twenty-three times what it was. I

It is all about patience. It has never been easy to be patient, and it's probably harder now than at any time in history. But patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured. It is necessary to apply discipline to thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal.
I believe the message is loud and clear. I have made certain resolutions after reading this story yesterday. May be you should do as well...
hey i din read this one due to tym shortage at the moment:D..but as m sure when its you the blog would obviously be something special...happy blogging..n enjoy your chicken soup even..(despite being a vegetarian)