Friday, October 9, 2009

Subtle art of indirect communication...

One who reads this title must be wondering that am I so knowledgeable that I am writing on something so big and difficult. The answer is NO. It is just the change in the schedule on being in Mumbai has driven my brain into motion, provoking my thought process to think a little intellectually as well as rationally.

Subtle and indirect communication – that’s an art I don't have, and NO, being frank and speaking straight is not an asset. It is a big big big disadvantage.

Saying "I don't know, and I'm sorry I don't have the time to do it" is not right. Yes there's a right answer to it, I just don't know it.

Saying "I'm not going to do this bullshit, simply because someone else is idling and not doing it" is incorrect. Yes, once again, there is a right answer to it, a right way to tackle it, and I don't know that either.

Saying "this is not a fair price, I'll pay x amount", isn’t a smart way of bargaining either. And yes, you guessed it again; I sure as hell don't know the right way to go about it.

This is something I've been thinking of a lot lately. Things that happen at work, at home, amidst friends, when you're out shopping, or just trying to negotiate with life. I've always had a tendency to say straight out what I am thinking, and somewhere along the way, lost the art of getting work done by a circumlocutory way, what we term as ‘ungli tedhi kar ke ghee nikalna’. I am not good at it, and I also realise that it costs me. I pick more quarrels where I'm left looking like the offending party, when I could have answered obliquely and got back my own. I complain and nag about things which I can't seem to change, which I could perhaps have manipulated better and got better results. I am almost unable to bargain, since that’s one area where this skill is put fully to use. And needless to say, I end up getting upset and hurt, with a tag that I portray a lot of unnecessary attitude.

So effectively, my ineffectiveness at this effective way of communication has taken a toll on my efficiency in all aspects of life.

Anyone know of any diploma courses I could take in this??


  1. hmmm.....again a nice post especially the 1 to which i can relate u said being straight forward or being circumlocutory is a difficult choice at times n especially for the ones of the former category.wat we communicate is always circumstantial but i guess we shud leave the consequences on the counterparts in this process.n above all u r gud the way u r so i dnt think u need to improve upon urself.although i case u get to knw abt ne such diploma lemme know abt it too ;)

  2. A nice post which gives me some idea about my next post
    Well even i have thought a lot about it and i think that is there no world for people like us who are straight in their communication and ways of dealing?? for short time may be not. but in the long run it is a blessing as it makes your life simple and easy going.
    What is needed is to be discreet or as people call - street smart, think for a extra moment before saying anything but be straight.

  3. Well if you are thinking about this after just 5 months of job experience, you will surly know the right answers soon is what I feel.
    putting any effort in the diploma won't help anyways :)Questioning is the only way?

    I think when it comes to talking straight or circumlocute, their is no one right way and mostly you should not be worrying about it.

    I think there should be a few fundamental principles which pervades inrespective of the situation you are in.
    You just need to discover what are these for you and your thoughts and speech will automatically revolve around them.
